NYSED Past Announcements

As stated in the WIOA 2018 RFP, successful applicants were funded for July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021 with the possibility of two (2) one-year extensions. NYSED will be extending current WIOA projects 1 year, July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Projects will be funded at same amount as their 2020-21 budgets. Due to the fact that this will require an extension request by AEPP, requiring several layers of approval, we are asking that all WIOA projects submit the required fiscal documentation by January 15th, 2021. This additional time will allow the AEPP team time to review and get the documentation submitted for approval for the July 1,2021 start date.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title II and Welfare Education Program Funding

  • RFP 21-004 is posted on the WIOA RFP 21-004.
  • Questions relative to this RFP must be sent to WIOARFP@nysed.gov no later than close of business on December 22,2020. A questions and answers summary will be posted by January 12, 2021.
  • All applications are due by 3:00 PM on March 30, 2021.

Appendix S-1  |  MWBE Grant Package 30

  • The items requested are as follows:Fiscal year 2019-2020 FS10These forms can be found at: http://www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/forms/Please use either the Excel or Word version of this document, no pdfs are acceptable Fiscal year 2019-2020 Budget NarrativeFiscal year 2019-2020 Work Plan = Proposal Narrative originally submitted with your proposal package in 2015 (along with any approved amended changes to your programming)Fiscal year 2019-2020 Program Component Worksheet ( Word template is attached to this email)Fiscal year 2019-2020 MWBE Reports (also attached to this email)S-1 Parents’ Bill of Rights (also attached to this email)Each ALE program must collect student demographic data as a requirement to be entered into the ASISTS database for reporting purposes.  Should you use any of these data for other purposes or if you share these data with other entities, you must explain your process for doing so.  If you do not share it but rather only collect it to satisfy the reporting requirements then on the S-1, briefly explain that.As originally requested, please send all your completed documents to NYSED as email attachments to ALE@nysed.gov by Friday, March 15, 2019 NYSED ALE Funding Memo – Purga (March 2019)

4/10/2018 — Board of Regents, through the consent agenda, approved the 4th pathway to a HSE. The effective date is April 25, 2018. Please see link for details: HSE_4th_Pathway_Regents

WIOA RFP has been released — the direct link is:

Advisory Notice – January 17, 2018

Our state director Bob Purga has issued two very important additional items:

1. The deadline for applications is April 11, 2018

2. The email for the Notice of Intent is:  wioarfp@nysed.gov   There is no hyphen


Advisory Notice – January 31, 2018

The Q & A has been posted for the Title II RFP. Please note that Attachment 5 has been updated and the dates for LWDB have been revised.

Here is the link to the RFP, the Q & A, and the updated Attachment 5: http://www.acces.nysed.gov/aepp/rfp-gc18-016-workforce-innovation-and-opportunity-act-title-ii-and-welfare-education-program

Here is the direct link to the Q & A: http://www.acces.nysed.gov/common/acces/files/aepp/rfpgc18016-qa.pdf


Advisory Notice – March 2, 2018

We are happy to report that the Governor’s Office has given us permission to post the proposed Modifications to the State’s Combined Plan. It can now be found at https://labor.ny.gov/workforce/swib/swibplan.shtm and the public comment period has started.

Thank you for everyone’s hard work. It was truly a group effort.

Vicki L Gray – Manager, Human Resource Development, New York State Department of Labor, Harriman State Office Campus

New policy memos:

EPE Providers (January 25, 2018): Please note that February 3rd is a Saturday so the actual due date moves to Monday, February 5th.

  • FEBRUARY 2, 2018 is the last day to enter EPE eligible contact hours in ASISTS for the period from July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
  • FEBRUARY 3, 2018 at 12:01 am, the data in ASISTS is frozen for July 1,2017-December 31,2017 .
  • FEBRUARY 3 ,2018 the SA160.1 from ASISTS and Interim Report must be submitted by fax or email attachment on this date. * Full year projections must be included in SA160.1. Email epe@mail.nysed.gov or fax to 518-486-1751. Att. Erik Lindell and Constance Carroll
  • FEBRUARY 20,2018  SA160.1 with Superintendent’s original signature MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 20, 2018: NYSED AEPP Program Office,  89 Washington Avenue, Room 460 EBA, Albany NY 12234. Document must be mailed.