- ACCES-AEPP Due Dates Chart and Budget Schedule FY24-25
- Adult Education Program Provider Responsibilities 01.07.24
- AEPP Attendance Records Policy & Guidance Memo FY25
- NYS Assessment Policy 2024-2025
- AEPP MEMO Transportation, Child-dependent care Options FY25
- AEPP Application for Student Transportation/Child-Dependent Care Expenditures FY25
- NYSED Fast Track Memo – Purga (February 2019)
- Fast Track GRASP packets have been issued by NYSED/CUNY.
- Electronic versions of all packets: http://www.collectedny.org/fpsubjects/2-ftgmp/
- FY24 Self Review & Monitoring Form is due to the AEPP office no later than November 15, 2023. The form is fillable; as a reminder, you must download the form to your device first before completing each field, then save and send to AEPP via email to AdultEd@nysed.gov with a copy to me and our AEPP Regional, Robert Renda (Robert.Renda@nysed.gov).
- IET and IEL/CE Guidance FY23
- IET and IEL/CE Credentials & Certificates WIOA (NYC) FY23
- IET and IEL/CE Credentials & Certificates WIOA (Rest of State) FY23
- Entering Student Credentials in ASISTS has been created for WIOA funded programs with approved IEL/CE or IET programs. The 3-minute training video describes the process for recording approved credentials in ASISTS. These credentials, when recorded correctly, will count as Measurable Skill Gain (MSG). The training video is located in the ASISTS Resource Bank and also can be found by following this link: https://youtu.be/xgjyivQPd5U.
- AEPP Johnson Memo Co-Enrollment WIOA (October 2023)
- AEPP Johnson Memo Co-Enrollment WIOA (January 2023)
- ISRF Memo FY2024 Director Johnson 06.27.2023
- ISRF Instructions FY25
- BARRIERS to Employment OCTAE 06.27.2023
- AEPP Program Checklist Updated 8.3.23
- AEPP-MEMO-Hybrid-Instruction-FY25-Updated-05.10.24-Fillable.pdf
- AEPP Hybrid Setup Instructions (rev 07/2023)
- AEPP FY24 Hybrid Instruction Application
- AEPP Hybrid Education Screening Tool Fillable (July 2023)
- AEPP Hybrid Education Screening Tool Rubric Fillable (July 2023)
- AEPP FY24 Hybrid Remote Class Schedule
- Webex webinar recording: EPE Projections Tutorial-20221220 2118-1 Recording link: https://cstraen.webex.com/cstraen/lsr.php?RCID=c5f43e41b156a27fbe657c3ddc1f037d
- EPE-Application-Directions-Information-Only-2024-25-Final-5.28.24.pdf
- 2024-2025-EPE-Application-Final-Fillable.pdf
- 2024-2025-EPE-Application-BUDGET-Final-Fillable.pdf
- EPE-Complete-Fillable-Geographic-Range-2024-25-Appendix-4.pdf
- Appendix-6-FAST-TRACK-Math-GRASP-Packet-Student-Documentation-Final-Fillable.pdf
- 2024-2025-EPE-Appendix-8-Local-Board-Approval-Final-Fillable.pdf
- AEPP-Funded-Project-Staff-Form-final.xlsx
- MWBE-Grant-Package-Blank-Documents-updated.docx
- MWBE-Package-fillable.pdf
- NRS FY24-FY25-Employment-Outcome-followup-chart-11.2023-2.pdf
- NRS Exit Quarters and Outcome Quarters
- NYS Report Card Training PowerPoint March 2012
- NYS Report Card Instructions FY09 Post_RM
- NYS Report Card Quick Guide FY09 Post